Cooking up Ideas

Thinking into the future

What’s Love Got to do With It?

Can’t you just hear Tina Turner belting this out? I’m sitting at 38,000 feet and I can still see the music video of Tina wondering what this “second hand emotion” has to do with a particular relationship. I can’t help but think she’s wrong.  Love has a lot to do with it.

And it really doesn’t matter what “it” is.  We do whatever we love well and whatever we don’t love poorly. I don’t love balancing my checkbook.  The result? Whatever doesn’t balance is written in a line called “adjustments.” That is when I get around to balancing it.

I love cooking so I’m constantly learning more about the art. Watching cooking shows on television, trying new flavors, collecting cookbooks.  All those things you do when you care about something. The same is true in relationships.  It’s something I’m learning pretty late in life.

If you knew me 15 years ago or more please read the next few paragraphs. If you’ve just known me in the last few years you can skip the next paragraph.

My good friends. Thanks for hanging in there with me.  I was not always the best friend mostly because I didn’t really understand the power of good relationships. You see, for a lot of years I thought I could do everything on my own.  I didn’t think I needed people.  I was wrong. I thought it was better that I could do everything on my own with no one else’s help. I was wrong, totally wrong. While I am an introvert, I’m discovering how much I really enjoy being around and working alongside other people. So thanks for not dropping me like a bad habit.

I’ve learned that I need to be in relationship with people.  That seems like something that’s a no brainer but for me it was a revelation. Ok not just be in relationship with anybody but you, my friends. 

And I love making new friends. There’s nothing more fun than having a bunch of friends over for a Monday’s @ Mark’s. Only a handful of you have had the opportunity to join me but thanks for being a part of that.  Or having a meal together that lasts all night (and includes several bottles of my favorite wines).  When your sides hurt at the end of the night from laughing so hard, it’s been a great night.

I love the work I do. Not everything about it but the work.  I also love the clients I get to work with, too, but it’s the work that gets me excited to get going in the morning.  It’s what makes good at what I do (or at least I like to think that I am!).

Have you ever met someone who was ambivalent about something and were also very good at whatever that is?  I haven’t. Ambivalence breeds mediocrity. It’s why I have always encouraged people to find and pursue their passions. If what they do isn’t one of their passions, find something that is and go do it. 

My passions don’t have to be your passions.  In fact, they probably aren’t and that’s what gives color to life.  It reminds me of the film Pleasantville where everyone was the same and those who became different started appearing in color.  It was disconcerting to those living in the monochromatic world.

I read a blog a few months ago where the writer suggested that one of the worst motivations for finding a job was to focus on the things you love. Why? Because you might not get paid as much doing something you love. 


How many people hate their jobs because they chose it simply because they would make more money? I know you have to pay the bills but if you don’t love what you do, you won’t be any good at it.  You’ll also feel your commute is like climbing aboard a boat and crossing the river Styx into Dante’s picture of hell. The only question for the day is which circle of hell will you end up in.

Don’t do it. 

Find what you love and pursue it with all of you.  You’ll be glad you did.

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2 thoughts on “What’s Love Got to do With It?

  1. Appreciate your honesty. Speaking of music, I adopted a song by Collective Soul a few years back as my mantra. Embarrassingly, I can’t even remember the title, but the chorus line that stuck out to me was “I don’t need nobody” — those were some hard, dark years. But you’re right, love/relationships always matter. Thanks for insight and inspiration, friend.

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